Vulgaridades y Otras Mier-

TYPE design
zine design

As much as I love the versatility of the word fuck I have to admit that to me, a native Spanish speaker, cursing in English does not have the same impact as cursing in Spanish.

Growing up speaking strictly Spanish might have to do with it, as those words were strictly prohibited to me and seemed like a big deal when I heard them. English, however, wasn’t an exception. Every ten-year-old I knew in my school knew what fuck and shit were. There was no punishment for those words.          

I decided that this was something I wanted to explore because, at that point, I had not done much work focusing on my culture.


My fascination with compressed typography finally had its time to shine. I love how imposing the letters are and how effective they are in expressing strong messages.

One of my favorites is Druk by Commercial Type. I thought its stretchability was perfect for this project because its letters can be very malleable, like insults.

At the same time, this style was perfect because it almost seemed like it was censoring itself.

Featuring: One is not like the other 

Have you ever had that moment where you learned Spanish and thought you were good to go until you went to a different country and said a word that seemed harmless to you but was offensive in that region?

Thankfully, this guide is here to help!

All Spreads

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