Missing Home

video editing
title design
web design

Missing Home is a video series based on my senior thesis, which focuses on Latin American identities, our struggle with ourselves, and why we should be proud of our roots.

This series focuses on my family and friends, who are all immigrants—their immigration stories, their relationship with their home country, and how they remember their home.

As an immigrant, I’ve always struggled to find a place to call home. Since my mother and I moved to the United States, we have never had a permanent place to call home, and El Salvador, the place I used to call home, is becoming a burning memory. When I turned 18 and started college, I struggled with my identity the most. Now at 26, and away from where I spent my teenage years, I have found ways to reconnect with what brings me closer to home — language, food, and music.

Between Two Homes: Mercedes and David

Far From Home: Tomás

A New Home: Nestor

Finding Home: Mayra

Tale of Two Homes: Exenia and Arnoldo


The Missing Home website ties everything together. It provides a deeper insight into each story and their respective recipes

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