CAST Latin Night (2022)
CAST School Supply Drive (2022)
Hunters Point Library: Inside the $41M "Flawed" Library (2020) (Read More ↗)
FIT GD Portfolio Review Save The Date (2021)
All Good Naysayers, Speak Up! Or Forever Hold Your Peace!: Reimagined Song Titles from Sufjan Stevens' 2003 album Michigan (2021)
Presidents and Magistrates: Reimagined Song Titles from Sufjan Stevens' 2003 album Michigan (2021)
Alason, Crooked River: Reimagined Song Titles from Sufjan Stevens' 2003 album Michigan (2021)
Redesign of the iconic bossa nova album Stone Flower, using a font I created from scratch (2020)
Amazon Forest Triptychs: Juxtaposition (2019)
Amazon Forest Triptychs: Metaphor (2019)
Amazon Forest Tripychs: Typography (2019)